发布时间:2020-03-16 阅读数:1571
Humans use five major senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
分隔两个独立从句,第二个从句用来叙述、说明、改写或延伸第一个从句: Martha realized that her worst fear was coming true: her son was being sent to war. (*冒号后用独立的从句解释Martha’s fear) 2.商业书信或正式信件开头问候语:
To the Central Valley Committee Chairman:
3.1冒号后的第一个字母不要大写,除非是专有名词, is part of a quote, or is the first in a series of sentences: 错误范例: I have three desires: To eat, sleep, and work. 正确范例 : I have three desires: to eat, sleep, and work. 3.2当引号内包含多个句子,许多作者会倾向使用冒号而非逗号来引出内容: In Chapter 3, the author explains his theory: “Dogs have dreams, but they don’t dream as humans do. Their dreams reflect a primal desire for pleasure, whereas humans are preoccupied with the ego and self-image. This is equally true in wakefulness and sleep.” 3.3接在冒号之后的内容不一定要是完整的句子,可以是单词或短语:There is one mantra that can sum up our position towards climate change: urgent action.
4.1分隔平等并且无相关的两个从句: 错误范例: Sarah and her friends loved spending time on the mountain: nature always held a special meaning for them. 正确范例: Sarah and her friends loved spending time on the mountain; nature always held a special meaning for them.(*若两个从句完全无相关,则应使用句号;若第二个从句和第一个从句有某种程度相关,并且并非用来陈述、说明或改写第一个子句,则使用分号分隔)
冒号属于强调性质的标点符号,要避免过多使用。请将冒号想像为暂停标志,用来引起读者注意“Hey! Pay attention to this. This is important.” 如果路上有过多的暂停标志,则无法顺利并快速的前进,同样的道理,若文章中包含过多的冒号,读者也无法顺利阅读。
编辑整理:花溪杂志社编辑部 网址:www.chizizzs.com